I love being single. Truly I do. I know it sounds like what every single person is supposed to say
but really they hate being single and wish for that one amazing person to settle down with, but I really do love being single. I can watch whatever movie I want without fear of ridicule or judgment, I get the whole bed to myself, and I like it! I can go wherever I want whenever I want. I can have 100 pairs of shoes. I don't have to check with anybody but me when I spend money. I never have somebody telling me no, I don't ever have to cook. I don't have pee on my toilet seat. The list goes on.
But there are a few things I really hate about being single, I have found they are universal, and unfair, and mostly the fault of the married people we hang out with. So this post is dedicated to my married friends, with love and hopes that you will change.
First I hate it when people assume that because you hit 30 and are still unmarried this must mean you are a lesbian. No. Just.... No. Do not ask us this. If the single in question was a lesbian let her tell you in her own time, you don't need to ask. And for those of us who are not lesbians its insulting. Don't do it.
Second why is it that if you go to family's for the holidays, or a trip with multiple people that the single people get to sleep on the floor and the marrieds sleep on the beds?? What is that?!? "So we set up Tom and Mary in our room, and Susan and Bill you go ahead and take the guest room, Bobby and Mary you guys take the bed we rented from Macy's for the occasion, and Grace we set you up in a corner of the kitchen floor, that should work right? you don't need a bed for any reason that I can think of right?" NO WRONG! I need a bed, I need some privacy as well. This is not cool.
Third and most important, is I really hate people thinking you are a lessor human because you are not married. Comments such as, "well you would understand if you were married" Or "Just wait till your married like me". You know if and when I do get married there is a good chance my marriage will be completely different than yours. Part two I actually may have an understanding of what your talking about. Im not claiming to be all knowing but I've lived a little bit. And just because you got married young and naive does not mean I am young (i'm not) or naive. Other bad things to say include, "Wow we need to find you a man so we can really hang out", "If only you had someone to share this with", or the worst is giving suggestions, "Well when I was single" No. Stop. If you were married before you were 25 you do not know what it is like to be single at my age. You did it the normal way. You do not get an opinion about my dating life.
As you can tell the holidays are upon us and I have had the "Why are you still single" talk one to many
times this last week. :-)