Monday, February 11, 2013

Sex in Public

So as a general rule I don't like to talk about sex in my blog. This is mostly due to the fact that I do not consider myself an expert in this area by any means. If you wanted to discuss certain aspects of the sexuals with me I would be happy to discuss them privately, unless you are my sister-in-law, then I never want to discuss it ever. I am however going to break my rule for this blog post, so if you will be offended at the talk of sex you should discontinue reading at this point.

My older brother and his family were here from Alaska this last weekend. It was good fun and nice to see everybody. Last night we went to a friends Birthday party at a restaurant at our local mall. Our family has to take two cars to any event because of the kids and their car seats. We parked at the mall with one empty space between us. We ate, we drank, and we visited. We never ran into any problems until we ventured out of the restaurant and back to our cars. My older brother his family and myself went to our car and when I looked at the car next to us the interior light was on and there was a guy grinning at me like a complete fool and waving. My first reaction was confusion. I didn't quite understand what was going on. And then a girls leg popped up from under him and I suddenly realized that these people were doing it right there about 5 feet from where I was standing! And they had the interior light on!?! I averted my eyes only after I saw that she did indeed have her pants down and they were actually in the act. I quickly got in the car and turned my eyes. My brother however did no such thing. He got in the car and started honking the horn madly. (If your wondering why we didn't get out of there faster it is because we had kids that we were trying to get in car seats, meanwhile Jesse is honking away and every so often the guy next to us would pop his head up to give us the thumbs up.)

Really good times but it doesn't stop there. I texted the rest of my family to give them a heads up and we took off. When they came out the guy had open the door to the back seat was hanging out with his head by the lower half of her body if you will. Well his door was opened into my other brothers car so my mom and sister in law had to get his attention so they could get into the car. As they were pulling on their pants my mom decides small talk is in order. She talked about the weather and then asked them if they were on their honeymoon. They, the people doing it, seemed relatively unembarrassed about the whole situation.

The point of this story may not be clear to everybody here but basically it is this. If you must have the sexuals in your car please have it somewhere where there is no chance of people, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN, interrupting you.