Bridget Jones was in her 32nd year when she started her famous diary that later turned into a movie. This year, more than ever, I feel like we are the same person. Apart from the fact that I don't smoke and I still find it a little bit disgusting that she does. Also I don't say the F word. I can't even write the F word. I like to swear as much as the rest of them, but for some reason I have never been able to say the F word. Anyways for those of you unfamiliar with the movie Bridget Jones Diary, she was a single girl who was 32, her biggest fear was dying alone and being eaten by wild dogs. It is the story of her very awkwardly trying to find love and in the end finding the perfect mark Darcy. Its a great movie, one of my favorites actually, although I would venture to guess there is no guy who has ever liked this movie.
Anyways how is it that I find myself thinking I am Bridget Jones? Well there is the fact that we are both in our 32nd year, although I am loath to admit this. I too have a fear of dying alone, I don't think that wild dogs will eat me though. (Although I do sometimes wonder about Joey) I more think what if I was kidnapped and nobody noticed for a week? This is very possible, apart from the fact that a kidnapping is very unlikely. Mostly though I am Bridget Jones because of my awkwardness. I have met very few people who are as awkward as I am around boys. I go to peoples houses every day and I doubt you'll meet a more confident person than I am when I make those calls. I am a sales person, there has to be a certain amount of confidence to pull off a job like that. But when it comes to boys, especially boys that I find attractive, I am the most awkward person you have ever met.
I used to work at Macy's and there used to be this guy that I thought was really cute that worked at a kiosk right outside our doors. One day I was walking out our doors and I saw him watching me walk towards him. In my mind I was yelling at myself, "Play it cool Grace. Play it cool! Just walk normal, don't do anything stupid, just one foot in front of the other, smile on your face, come on you have like thirty feet and then this will be over." Meanwhile as I was walking I felt my shoe, which was a slip on, start to slip off. I started to completely panic. I couldn't stop, and I couldn't keep going. I started sweating and my mouth went dry. Suddenly I got this brilliant idea that what if I used gravity. What if I gave my foot a slight kick forcing my shoe up a little bit so that it would land firmly back on my foot and I could continue to walk uninterrupted. This plan seemed brilliant, so I did just that. The problem was my "slight kick" came out a little jerky and I kicked my shoe completely off my foot and into the cute guy standing 30 feet away.
Another time I ran into a guy that I had had a crush on unexpectedly. He was like, "Oh hey Grace!" and I opened my mouth...... and nothing came out. No words at all. He looked at me and I just kept moving my mouth, trying to say something. Meanwhile in my brain I was like, "Say something, anything will do, just say something!" Eventually he gave me and odd look and walked away. That crush never did work out for me........?
So there is the awkwardness, we have that in common, Bridget Jones and I. We have the age, and the weight, and the determinedness to change our lives. (I made up that word, determinedness) There is the occasional overindulgence of alcohol, and the lack of cooking skills. My point is friends, that I am Bridget Jones! And because at the end of her 32nd year she met Mark Darcy I think this means I will also meet Mark Darcy this year! Or.... what I mean to say is I will meet somebody like Mark Darcy. Maybe it will be Ryan Reynolds...... I do love Ryan Reynolds.
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